Greek Numerlogy Test

I would like to thank Francessca for doing the Greek Numerlogy Test for me. It is quite accurate, save for the last part.

Your governing trait is communication. which refers to ability to talk/make yourself understood. it could mean being able to communicate your ideas well to others, but adversely, it can be taken as a warning not to 'talk too much'.

your personality traits are fairly balanced.

your dominant personality traits are as follows:
VERY STRONG: refers to your intelligence & leadership potential. it may refer to EQ or IQ or both, however, only a more detailed form of analysis can tell where your 'intelligence' strength actually lies, until then, it's wise to play to your strengths, and stretch the boundaries of your mind!

STRONG: business-minded & teaching ability. both show equal dominance amongst your personality traits. These two qualities complement your governing trait of communication since it is important to be able to communicate well in order to run a business well or to teach. You are keen to impart knowledge to others, and likely to be adept at doing so.

other dominant traits: stability and spiritualism.

the traits that do not dominant in your personality are: a fear of commitment (relationship, responsibilities) and stubborness. It might be good to show more care for others, be it people or the environment.


Dopey said…
hey u have a fear of commitment ah? :P
Paul said…
No la, I dun fear commitment la. Hope can get married ok?
Kazzzzzzz said…
wah, someone getting the marriage bug liao ah?? haha.....

or is it an after-effect of repeated reminders by ur mom? (^_^)
Paul said…
ya, frens ard me getting married lei.:)

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