The Start of Early Knock Off Days
After hearing what my mum & client told me, I decided to knock off early to prepare for my exams. I decided to do & try out and glad that I managed to cover 1 topic.
Mum wrote me a letter on Mother's Day. I am reading it as well as typing this. I find it funny why she did that, and the points that she state in her letter, I wonder if I should fall off my chair, to laugh or to cry. Here is a summary of the points that she wrote. The letter is too long and its in Chinese,
Mum wrote me a letter on Mother's Day. I am reading it as well as typing this. I find it funny why she did that, and the points that she state in her letter, I wonder if I should fall off my chair, to laugh or to cry. Here is a summary of the points that she wrote. The letter is too long and its in Chinese,
- My failing of my Paper 2.4. My son is so stupid, just that he is not hardworking enough. It is not easy for me to juggle my job and study considering the work load of about 260 clients and I did try my best to study. In fact, I attended revision classes and I must say it helps. You have asked me to carry on working & studying as you said you are finding it hard to support the family with dad. I am doing what you say & you are giving me additional pressure. Why?
- Problems at work. I should start a diary to document it. Glad to say that my diary is here at, which I started a year ago. You feel that its not the same, but to me it is the same as writing a physical diary. A physical diary if I keep, I won't have any privacy either, cause I know you being my mum, will want to read it. Therefore I feel it safer to keep it here, as you do not know how to surf the Net, therefore you can't find me here.
- Attending religious meetings with you. I do not like to do it as I wish to be in control of my own life. I do not want to be controlled by you at my age of 27. I find that I do not have common things to talk about when I am with this group of youngsters. Please leave me alone in this.
- Generation Gap.I think this is a problem that is facing everyone. If you feel that I have not handled my brother's poly admittance issue correctly, I feel that u r wrong. I feel that I did the right thing by advising which course he wants to take, I won't stop him. I am not like his friend or dad, where these guys influence his decision. He is 18. You should let him learn on his own.
- Money - I anyhow spend. I am not like u or dad, when you guys can be short of cash, u all can borrow from me. Especially u. If you keep thinking the sum of money that I give u is little, why not u go and ask around, how much is some of my friends giving? I always loan you guys money till I was really broke last month. Do you think living in Singapore is cheap? Its a place that needs money the moment u r out of the house. If you feel that I spent too much, where u think the money for you to get brother's notebook come from? From the sky? I dare say I don't borrow money from people. This is what I am proud of.