Do You Have A Better Way To Reject Us?

The whole bunch of us, me, Richard, Wendy, Rebecca & Aidah were asked to keep 12 Aug free by Darling for a meet up. I think I made the right decision not to put too much hope in the meet up after hearing what Rebec said about her missing a planned date, & not returning her calls despite calling several times that day.

Today got a call from her in the afternoon. She said she had a friend who is celebrating her birthday that day and that that friend was flying in from overseas so she had to cancel the plan that she made. I am just disappointed that what I had predicted had come true. I just wonder if she has become "有异性,没人性" or should I ask what we are to her? Are we just a hello goodbye friend to her?

You have been telling us you would not be 有异性,没人性,when you are in BGR, but you don't seem to practise what you preach. You also tell us that you are busy, but from what I read in your blog, you seem to select who you wish to meet up with. I guess we are just economy class friend to you.

These words may be harsh, but that's how I feel. I think you should go and think if this was the right way to reject us? Although you told us to keep the day free for you about a month ago, but you didn't confirm with us till 7 Aug 2006. That was when I ask you what you plan to do? Even then, you still have not decided on the time & place to meet. I do not want to put a nasty tag on you, but your actions have made me feel otherwise.

I think the rest will feel the same way as I am feeling now.


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