Why Is She Always Like That?
My lady boss had a chat with me yesterday. She said that my tax computation work will be subject to review by her, the b*** or the audit manager.
I am not against it or anything. I am just wondering, she said that there is quality control check in the audit dept. But I seem to find mistakes every now and then in the audit working papers. The mistakes made usually have an impact on my tax computation. I am not trying to say that I am faultless, but some of the mistakes made by them are pretty ridiculous too. For eg, casting errors, failure to obtain hire purchase agreements for assets purchased on hire purchase. All these escaped the audit manager & partners' "stringent checks"
This really set my mind thinking. Are they able to do a good checking job too? Some of my colleagues correctly pointed out that the audit dept has been receiving "royal" treatment, while I am like the eunch, punished for a mistake that I have made. Being left to dry like a piece of dried fish.
Although you have praised me for lodging a complaint to IRAS about "My Tax Portal", my work is neat and you knew that the filing deadline for corporate tax will be brought forward, I saw no action being taken by you to remedy the situation. I have done whatever you have told me to do, including preparing my tax computation in pencil. My friends has said that the step is a joke. It is like punishing a child for making a mistake. You can say that a person has the tendancy to just vet through and take things as it is correct when they do checks. Then, why the preferred treatment for some people then?
Hopefully, I can find a good job offer and leave this place soon.