Have You Visited The P65 Blog?
I was reading the New Paper today and came across this article about the P65 Blog.
This blog was set up by a group of Members of Parliament who were born after Singapore gained its independence after 1965. The commentary in the article was very few people was reading about the blog and the MPs have not been updating their blogs as frequently as some of us.
Actually, I agree with what was stated in the article that a blog should be updated as frequently as possible to show that one's life is moving as the time moves.
Personally, I feel that it is hard for an MP or Minister to maintain a blog in the blogsphere as they need to stay on the ground and listen to the citizen's needs and plan policies for the country. If they really want to maintain a a blog, they must refrain from putting texts of their speech on their blog as they will most likely bore the reader.
They have to be careful about what they blog too, as some things may be too personal to be blogged or certain senstive issues that may stir racial or religious divide may arise.
This is my view after reading the article.
Note: Personally, I have not read any articles on the P65 blog yet as politucs has not stirred my interest.