We're Family
I guess everyone would agree with me that having a great team of colleagues to work with. I am glad to say that I have this great team of colleagues that make me look forward to work with them everyday. Not only that, my tax partners are not breathing down my neck as my previous firm, making me enjoy my job even more and at the same time enjoying learning & working at the same time.
One of my colleagues, who shuttles daily between Singapore & Malaysia everyday to work is feeling very sad now as her child failed in 2 out of 4 subjects taken in the recent Primary 1 exams. She feels that she has failed in her duty as a parent and is seriously thinking of helping her child out by taking the step of leaving the company. She told us that she feels that she has failed as a mum as her son failed his exams.
I guess that is what you call a mum's love for her child. It is always beyond words. A mum is willing to make the scarifices just for the well being of her child.
If you were my colleague, what decision will you make?
For voting "Other innovative ways", please indicate what are the innovative ways that you have thought of.
All my readers are eligible to participate in this poll.