What Should You Do When You Receive a Fine For Not Filing Your Income Tax?

I have gotten several queries from several of my friends recently about them receiving a composition fine for not filing their tax return by 15 April 2009.

Here is a recommended solution to the problem, if some of you are facing the same problem.

1.You should call IRAS at 1800-3568300 or email them through the IRAS website at www.iras.gov.sg. Please click on the the “Contact Us” hyperlink and click on “Salaried Employee” or “Self Employed”.

2. Please provide the officer your NRIC No so that they can check your status through their system. If you have not filed, give them your reasons as to why you have failed to file. Most of the time, they will ask you to file and may waive the penalty depending which officer you spoke to.

I hope this helps to answer your questions.


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