Is There A Platonic Friendship Between A Guy And A Gal?

This question has been floating in my mind after 2 elders was chiding me how I treat some friendships recently. I know they are deeply concerned about me, especially to me having a partner to take care of me. But some of the remarks made by them are simply hard to stomach as they just jump into certain conclusions just after hearing some parts of the story, and tell me not to stay too close to some people just because they are attached or married.


I have to admit the elders may have their own views on this. For me, I feel that a platonic friendship can exist if both parties know where the boundaries and limits are. Having been in a female-dominated field for quite a while, and having been through several turbulent courtships and several turbulent platonic friendships, I certainly know where the bounddaries and limits should be drawn.


Like what a friend told me about how she felt that a platonic friendship should exist, I really got to agree with her. She said that both parties must be clear that they are platonic friendship and if there are any doubts about this, clarification should be sought.

Sometimes I wish that I had not shared some stories with my family members. But they are my family, my port of call when I am in trouble. We should go through thick and thin together. Sometimes, it is best not to say a thing at all.


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