Facebook Stalker on The Loose
I had received a phone call from my KTV group female friend on Saturday. Apparently she was a little worried that she was being stalked on Facebook so she wanted to take down some of her photos on Facebook profile, but she was not able to do it. I have since asked her to put her profile in private mode since Facebook does not seem to have the feature to remove the profile album. She was worried that her photo may be transposed onto some naked girls’ photos.
I had a similar experience recently that actually scared the wits out of me. A “used to be my friend” for quite some time, for about 6 years added a substantial number of my KTV group friends after I introduced the group to her. This nearly caused some tension between me and my KTV group friends, as some people guard their privacy strongly. I tried talking to this friend of mine about why she did this and actually asked her to join my group’s gatherings if she was really interested to know my KTV group friends, but she just continued to add my friends without joining us for our activities. To prevent any further bad blood and further misunderstanding between me & my KTV group, I have since deleted her and several people who are closely connected to her. To date, I still do not understand why she did that.
Like what one of my close friend said, my KTV group friends are certainly better than the group that I deleted. She commented that I am definitely happier now. :-)