There Is A Limit To What You Can Do Sometimes
A friend of mine, whom I recommended to work in my company as an admin support cum tax assistant was finally asked to leave the job on Tuesday.
Although I was a little sad that she had been asked to leave, I was glad that the nightmare of checking her work filled with careless mistakes by my bosses, the admin senior & myself was finally over. I had not expect that she was able to make simple addition errors that a kindergarten school child would get it right. She could waste tons of the company’s letterheads, just because of these little careless errors.
My female boss had wanted to keep her and kept giving her chances. I tried my best to coach her wherever possible, but I guessed her careless mistakes was too overwhelming for us to keep her. I told my boss frankly when she sought for my opinion about her performance. I told my boss that if she felt that my friend’s performance was not up to mark, she should just do what she deems fit, as I do not wish to put her in a difficult position either.
I told this friend of mine that these 2 and a half months had been a nightmare for me as I felt that I had grown very much older, due to the amount of mistakes she made, the need to accompany her home sometimes, when it is hard for me, as due to the peak period, there are a lot of work to be cleared. There were also instances that her mistakes or things that she did caused me to nag at her. I even shouted at her once, as the mistake she made at work was really unacceptable.
Most of our common friends understood how I felt and thought that I did the right thing. I hope my mid-term bonus is not affected by this, and I have to really work my way back to regain my reputation, no thanks to this friend.