Birthday KTV for Evelyn , Yong Jie & Kian How

I was supposed to do this post last week but had been so busy with my work that I have been bringing it home to clear it, with the hope of meeting the deadline, which is at the end of next month.

Evelyn & Yong Jie’s Birthday Celebration


An advance birthday celebration for Evelyn, and a belated birthday celebration for Yong Jie, the October couple. The guest list for the celebration was drawn up by the birthday couple, while I was tasked by them and the invited guests to send out the invites & do the gift shopping for the couple. In the end, we settled on a set of couple watches for the couple. We were glad to say that almost all the invited guests, except Jonathan were able to make it for the celebration. I hope the couple find the gift from us useful. We certainly enjoyed the KTV celebration session, dinner cum desert session with them that day.

Kian How’s Birthday Dinner

The birthday celebration was mooted by me and attended by almost all the invited guests except Jessica. I was tasked again by the invited guests to select the birthday gift for the birthday boy, who just changed to the new Iphone 5. In the end, we gave the birthday boy an Iphone 5 cover & an Iphone bummer. It was tough for me to make a good choice as I have not been a fan of Apple products or the Iphone, but thanks to my Samsung Galaxy SII camera, the whatsapp group chat & Gonnie & Chloe (who is also an Iphone 5 user), I was able to make an informed choice for the birthday boy.

I hope the birthday boy enjoyed the dinner at Fish & Co at AMK Hub and find the gift useful.



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