IRAS VES Exercise 2013

I have not been able to blog as much as I like for the past month as I had been busy with my yearly volunteer ritual, the IRAS Volunteer e-filing exercise and my work.

I was tasked by a high ranking IRAS officer to look after the junior volunteers for this year’s exercise. Having been invited to the Lunar New Year reception for this year’s exercise makes me all the more see the need to return the favour at this year’s exercise.

2013-04-07 18.39.54

2013-03-30 16.58.56

2013-04-13 18.52.43

2013-04-14 18.24.38

2013-03-30 16.39.22

I must say that I really enjoyed this year’s exercise, although there were some parts of it which I did not like, for example, rowdy and demanding taxpayers, volunteers that just refused to follow instructions.

The crowd of taxpayers who visited us at the Serangoon had been superb. There were a number of days where we had to start earlier than usual to try our best to clear the crowd. On behalf of the team of volunteers at the Serangoon CC, I would like to thank the taxpayers for visiting us and we hope that we have made your tax filing experience an enjoyable one.

Also a big thank you to the CC staff of Serangoon CC, Juncai, Angie, Deepak, Jeffrey, Jacqueline, Rokiah,Edward for accommodating us at the CC for the last 4 weekends.

This year was also different, as Paul decided to set up a group whatsapp chat to allow for  fellow volunteers to raise questions and fellow volunteers to assist to help one another when stuck. Some of us actually kept our handphone on for emergency help purposes.

We had a dinner gathering at the 1st week of the exercise where we shared our volunteer experiences which I hoped the volunteers found it useful. We are doing another one in June. Hope that the response will be just as good, if not better.



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