New Post For Paul
I had received a whatsapp message on Thu morning from my Constituency Manager that she wish to appoint me as the treasurer of the RC as the current treasurer was not too happy being appointed to the post since Jan. I shall not go into details why it became like this as it is too highly sensitive. Being appointed as a treasurer means more work and responsibilities for Paul. Although I do enjoy volunteer work, I prefer to work in an organisation that does not have so many “politics” as you are already dealing with “office politics”. Some people who works in the organisation on a full time basis are just plain lazy. They are being paid by the organisation to do work, just like what our bosses pay us to do everyday, yet they choose to push every thing for the volunteers to do. We are not your free labour at your beck and call for 24 hours a day & 7 days a week. I was asked to go to the bank to update my signature to the bank account today. What I thought was a simple 30 mins task...