IRAS VES Volunteers Dinner Gathering

This was a day where the VES volunteers were waiting for. Our 2nd gathering was hit by some minor hiccups and was at the mercy of the weather, but I was glad that the weather became better just hours we were about to start the dinner. I think we have to thank Pauline’s positive vibe that the sky will be clear for the dinner in the morning of  the day of the dinner.

Jasmine & I did a mini belated birthday celebration for Jason at Citylink Mall before  the start of the dinner.


After that, we proceeded to the Sky Lounge, where we had another surprise awaiting us. We had known that the Combined Rehearsal for the NDP was on at the Floating Platform but I did not expect to see the rehearsal had fireworks with them. =)


I really would like to thank the 12 of them who attended the dinner. Till we meet again in Dec for a pre-Christmas gathering.




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