How To Play A Political Game In Office?

I am having a busy month in September. It did not help that my work deadline is coming up in end November. Yet some colleagues are still either taking MCs & urgent leave as they please, leaving people needing to clean up their work for them, or indulging political moves to drive out a colleague, who was requested to come back to work for the company 6 months ago, as the “politicians” claimed that they were too busy and could not cope & it was to help us to have cover for a colleague who always take MCs or urgent leave with shocking regularity, only to kick this returning colleague out of the firm by saying they cannot work with her due to “communication problems” when it is pretty obvious that the person who got kicked out was not aware that she was about to be kicked out until she was in my boss’ office.

I wonder the so called “communication problems” was masked by the fact that her superiors have made mistakes in their work & it was discovered by this colleague. To cover up they used this to ask my boss to kick her out.

To think that these “politicians” have told my boss that they are monitoring another colleague, with similar punctuality,taking MC & urgent leave with shocking regularity as mentioned above, that if she does not improve soon, they will ask my boss to get her to go soon.

My take on this is hopefully the person mentioned in the 1st paragraph of this article wakes up from her routine, otherwise it will definitely adieus to her soon as well.


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