Year 2017 In Review

It has been a practice of mine to do a yearly review of the year 2017. It has been an eventful year 2017 for me, although it may seem that I seldom update my blog.

1. Family

a. It has been a turbulent year for me and my family as my mum took the drastic step to try to introduce a gal for me in the hope that I will settle down. We had a big fight over this, as I only got to know this through my uncle’s wife that she was doing this. Although I understand she is doing this for my own good, but on first thought, I felt that my wishes were not respected. I went for the meetup after my apology to my parents. Personally, I felt that I was someone placed at the shop window, being put up for sale to my prospective buyer. I had good vibes about the gal, although she is not perfect. In my opinion, no one is even for myself as you can choose people, people can choose you too. I could sense that her mum had her misgivings about me and the need to maintain a long distance friendship with me knowing too little about her, as she spoke less than 4 sentences during our meetup. She is also someone who stays at home type of gal, without hobbies. Communication could be an issue.

b. My brother lost his jobs through retrenchments this year. I certainly hope that he can regain his confidence and find employment soon.

2. KTV Group

a. The KTV group that I have been helming for the past 9 years, I managed to find someone to assist me in organizing the ktv events after a one year search. Annie has helped me to revitalize the group with new ideas and bringing in some of her friends as members. One of her friends actually gave the suggestion that the ktv event should be planned ahead, so that more people will be able to join in. We implemented this idea and are pleased with the results. It is hard to imagine that the KTV group has come a long way and will be celebrating its 10th anniversary next year.

3. Volunteering

a. Grassroots

i. I started my 3rd term as Treasurer under a new Chairman, with two new assistant treasurers. There seems to be more work to do due to the new financial rules. I will continue to do my best in the coming year.

b. Tax Filing Community Service Project

i. I continued where I left off for this project which I started last year. I worked with a Facebook community group, Park $2 Project. The founder, Jason assisted me to find a community group to work with for the project. Although there were some hiccups along the way as the project was only finalized at the last minute, we are glad to have served about 160 people. The success of the project have prompted a person who offered to work with me on better terms too.

c. TATA SMRT Facebook Group

i. I was roped in to help to start the group by Jason, to assist to help members on alternative transport solutions when the train breaks down or is delayed in August 2017. When we started out at first, we had only 150 members, but today it has grown to close to 8,800 members, as the breakdowns or delays became frequent after that. The group had appeared on mass media several times these few months. We have encountered negative reviews about the group too, but we choose to accept it in our stride as some people may be jealous of our success.

d. Pioneer Generation Ambassador Programme

i. Although I have not been doing many engagements in the year, it is good to know more about the government policies that has been catered for the seniors. I must say that every engagement is a learning process for me.

Let’s hope for a better Year 2018 as the year comes to a close.


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