Change of Birthday Plan
Recently, I have been too tied up with my work that I forgot to announce the change of the birthday plan that me & Ter will be having on 15 Dec 2007. Thanks Kaylee for putting the message that she would be flying in from the USA from 12 Dec -20 Dec, otherwise I would have forgotten to put this up.
After a mini meeting with Ter & Elaine, we have decided to abandon the chalet plan and change it to a BBQ session at Changi Point.on 15 Dec 2007. This change is in view of the high cost in booking the chalet & the need to commit for 2 nights if the chalet is booked.
Elaine & I feel that the BBQ will be a good option for all of us to enjoy at a low cost. The guest list will be announced in Nov.
what a long trip for her! hope she'll be fine...