These few days, I had been busy with my work and shuttling around the hospital. Many things have happened in this week. I have decided to put it in a form of quotable quotes. Tuesday It does not mean that when two people who have not met before previously can’t become good cliques overnight. Wednesday As a friend, we should only give advice when asked, and we should not force anyone to comply on what we actually want him / her to do, even if she will lose something dear in her possession. It is not a good feeling being the person to report a piece of sad news to friends, therefore try not to be the first one to know, especially when it concerns your family, your friends or you. When friends and relatives are in need, we try to help wherever we can, but some people just like to take advantage of other people’s charitable heart. This is more so for relatives. To you, relatives are everything, but to me, it is not so as relatives take advantage. Stop nagging about my spending, when you c...