What An Inconsiderate Cabby
I was on my way home from work yesterday evening, travelling on SBS Bus Service 54. When the bus was travelling at Thomson Road, turning into Newton Road, near Revenue House, we saw an accident, involving a taxi, private bus and car. The taxi involved in the accident had occupied the turning point where my bus was supposed to be heading. I think the accident had just happened then, as the cabby was busy taking photos with his phone, and busy arguing with the other parties involved. This went on for 10 mins. As a result of his inconsiderate action, he caused a massive jam in front of the zebra crossing which my bus had to turn left, to continue his journey. The bus captain, who was already late, went off the bus to advise the cabby to move his taxi to the left lane, further up. The cabby was a little angry at first when being asked to do that. He wanted to whack the bus captain, but fortunately, it didn’t happen. I guess the passengers on the bus that I was in were exasperated as ...