
Showing posts from January, 2008

JAVA Programming

My younger cousin has failed his JAVA Programming project. My mum & I are trying to find some textbooks or guidebooks to guide him along. Anyone who can help to recommend books to help him out?

Happy Birthday To Fran

Picture taken from Breadtalk Just wishing my long time net friend, Fran, a happy birthday for tomorrow. Dear Fran, May what you wish for come true for you. All the best in whatever you do. From: Paul

Lights Out

My Internet connection at home is down. The power light is working but not the Ethernet lights. Looks like part of my bonus will be needed to change the adaptor or the modem since it is over the warranty period. Need to get it done soon as bro needs the connection to download his exam papers. His exams is after CNY. Hope he does well.

Happy Day

I am very happy today as 2 burning questions that has been on my mind was answered. Wish to express a big thank you to all my friends, family & relatives for their unwavering faith in me. You guys know who you are for the 1st question. As for the 2nd question, the doubt was cleared up after someone said that she was unattached at the moment when I asked her. The questions are how to ask her out? How to know her better? How to win her over? (She has so many people going after her.) I think I shall take it a step at a time and know her as better as a friend 1st.


I just finished watching this drama last night. This drama stars Liza Wang, Myolie Wu & Macro Ngai. This drama is about:- 孫敏儀在司法界享負盛名,曾打贏很多為人津津樂道的大官司,被喻為殿堂級大狀,並獲律政署委任為暫委法官,事業平步青雲。但儀卻在這關鍵時刻放棄美好的前途,更主動註消大律師資格,轉任為事務律師,以自己的名字開設一間律師事務所,盼能將自已的輝煌成就傳給下一代,達至薪火相傳的目的。 除了兒女之外,丈夫沈逸安亦是儀轉任的另一原因。話說當年,儀和丈夫結婚不久即發現他患有嚴重心臟病,安經常進出醫院,亦做過多次的大小手術。儀多年來一直專心事業,冷落了丈夫,為了爭取時間陪伴對方,更加速成她培育下一代成為接班人的決心,希望可以早日功成身退,然後跟丈夫過一些逍遙快樂的日子。 儀有兩女,大女沈一心已嫁為人婦,與丈夫熊志達同為儀事務所旗下的律師。二女沈一言則是法律行政人員(俗稱師爺)加上恩師的兒子阮世晞成為合伙人,群策群力,令事務所的業務蒸蒸日上。 時事務所招聘了一新晉律師程學勤,此人作風跟一般律師有異,不按本子辦事,與上司的關係鬧得不愉快,經常為儀帶來麻煩。儀卻欣賞勤有顆赤誠之心,雖然有時處事略為執著,但卻是可造之材。儀決心栽培勤成旗下的一名精英律師,其後更建立了一份亦師亦友的感情。 勤的加入令事務所在不知不覺間起了微妙的變化。首先勤引起了身為合伙人的晞不滿,勤不單不懂拍晞馬屁,甚至不賣帳給晞,晞多次想開除他,但儀卻力保勤,晞礙於儀的情面無奈地容忍,但卻埋伏了異心! 勤因為工作關係,跟言在工作上擦出不少火花,言對勤的處事作風甚欣賞,多番的合作令二人漸見默契,亦令言信心大增。 可是身為母親的儀卻暗暗擔心起來。原來言在大學法律系畢業那一年遇人不淑,曾經談過一場轟轟烈烈的戀愛,結果悲劇收場,陷入無法自拔的地步,更患上厭食症,不能成為律師亦因為這個原因。儀不想愛女重蹈覆徹,毅然阻止二人來往。勤知悉言的背景後,反而對她由憐生愛,而言對勤雖亦有感覺,一朝被蛇咬,害怕在感情路上再受傷害,故只有竭力的抑制自己的感情。 另一方面,心和達本為模範夫妻,但因性格各異,心的積極進取和達的平穩踏實,產生了極大分歧。二...

Dedicated To Grace

Picture courtesy of Angie The Choice Just wanna wish my long time  net friend, Ms Grace Tan, a Happy 25th birthday today. May what she wishes for come true for her. Hope  that we can meet up when she is back in  Singapore to celebrate CNY with her family .

Album Feature: 庆幸拥有 - 蔡淳佳

Bought 蔡淳佳- 庆幸拥有album as I collected my specs on Tuesday. I was quite surprised by the red outfit that she wore for the album cover. Feel that she is not suited to wear red. But I must say the album is not bad. In fact, I feel that it is better than the last one. Maybe I am a sentimental & emotional person. I already featured 2 songs from this album in my blog before. This is another 2 songs that I liked from her album. 好好爱她 is the title of the first song. I would give this album 4 out of 5 and recommend that you buy it if you are a sentimental person.

Congrats to Mr & Mrs Tan

Just got to know from Darling's blog that she is pregrant too. As a friend, I am happy for her & Mr Tan.

2 Days Off for CNY

Boss declared 2 days off for CNY, on 6 Feb & 11 Feb. Wonder if it is to compensate for the lack of the Big B?

2nd Surprise for the Day

I was at work with my radio tuned to my favourite station, YES 933FM today, when I heard the host, 嘉蕙 mention that she is suffering from neck strain after a bad night sleep for about a week already. Since I am still suffering from this problem (but it is better already. Thanks to 彭悦医师), I decided to leave a message on her blog for her to seek treatment. Paul Heard that u strained your neck during your sleep. Me too. The sinseh who cured me is at Ma Kwang. Her name is Peng Yue. You can try her to cure u. Was quite surprised when I was reading her blog comments just now, I saw my reply from her, as I didn't expect a busy DJ of Singapore's No. 1 station to reply to me, let alone on the same day. Jiahui hi paul, thanks for ur info...=) which branch did u go to?? i'm seriously in pain... I have replied her with the answer already. This shows that celebrities have a human touch too, as they are human too.

Congrats to Mr & Mrs Kelvin Lee

Just received news from Caifeng that she is expecting a child. Feel so happy for the couple. :-)

Why Take People For Granted?

My typist colleague, M stunned everyone of us when his wife, who is also employed by the firm that he has resigned from the firm. They have managed to find a new typist to replace M. I suppose M's last day will be end of this month. I am glad that I am used to doing all the filing of documents by myself after I tried asking him once ( with my boss' approval) to help me but he said that he was busy with his stuff. From then, I knew that I could not be too dependent on others, therefore I decided to do whatever I can myself. I only ask him The rest of my colleagues & my boss are so dependent on him. After M packed up the store room, Mr Prawn & the b*** started to call him the store controller, asking him to take charge of the store room as well. I think these people have overtaxed him without knowing it. Now, I guess they are going to miss M. I will miss him too as he is a Mr Nice Guy. All the best in whatever you do, M. I am sure you will be appreciated somewhere...


A Good Samitarian gave me a ride back home as I just completed my meeting with a prospective employer. Just would like to thank Mr Philip Kow of AIG Insurance Group for the ride home. If not for you, I think I may not be able to find my way out of the small road located in the CBD area. I feel bad about you having to make you travel to the western part of Singapore to meet your client from my place after you dropped me. Got my bonus today too. It was just what I expected from my boss. I just wonder if he feels bad giving the same as per what he gave last year when it has been a good year all around. Just hope that the interview today I went will be successful as the prospects and pay are pretty good, compared to what I am having now.

CNY Shopping:- Brand New Paul Coming Up

Picture courtesy of Capitol Optical Finally found time to do my CNY shopping & some errands yesterday. I went to make a new pair of specs. Although my degrees have increased slightly for this new pair of specs, I am quite happy with the new frame and the price as the price is about $80 cheaper than what I did 2 years ago during the CNY period. I will be getting my new specs on Wed. After that, I went for my haircut at my favourite salon, as I haven't been able to go there for a while, due to the heavy rain in recent times when I wanted to go there to cut my hair. It ended up that I always went to get my haircut at the nearby salon, which didn't do my haircut properly. Met up with mum at Hougang Central Interchange to go to SSA for our usual prayer session before going to Orchard for shopping. Was joined by my bro for the shopping session as the main purpose was to get some clothes for him. It ended up he was only able to get a shirt & pants from G2000 for him...

The Best Fit Or The Right Fit?

Got an sms from Ms YC (decided to change the way I call her, as some of you thought that she was my buddy's gf. She is actually the recruitment consultant whom I have given flowers to.) She was asking me to help her look for people who may be able to fill the 2 positions she had on hand. I managed to think of a friend of mine to recommend. Just hope my friend will be of help to fill in the position for her. Having been to countless interviews, I have met up a variety of Recruitment Consultants & prospective employers. Most of them can be characterised into the following groups. :- Courteous & tactful- They will ask me politely why my physical condition is like that, without doubting my ability to perform the duties for the job applied. Inflexible - There are some employers/RCs who are not willing to give the applicants a try as the job the applicants do not have exprience for it. I wonder why the Government say we must be able to multi-task, be a Jack of all t...

Neck Strain

The problem that plagued me every now & then is back to haunt me. I am having a neck strain. It started since last night. I guess it could be due to the stress of the workload that I was facing or I haven't been sleeping well on the new neck support pillow that mum got for me and bro the other day. I should be seeing the physicians at Ma Kwang tomorrow, since I was not able to see them today as I was not aware that they were having their annual dinner and closed early today. Would like to thank my 3rd guest to confirm her attendance to my CNY gathering. Would like to thank Darling as well for agreeing to help me, Stella & Elaine mei for her assistance to look for greener pastures for us. I trust that she will do a good job in hunting for us.

Who Is Your Favourite Singer?

I am still hoping that people to vote for your favourite Singapore singer, Curryegg & I have already voted. MM was saying that she didn't have any Singapore singers that she liked. This is my new poll. They are the singers whom the gals I chased before liked. For most of the singers, I started to like them only when I started to chase the gals. In fact, I can sing most of their songs. Hope that you guys participate on the poll. At the same time, I can know my blog readers better.

Interesting Horoscope Analysis

Heard this interesting horoscope analysis on YES 933 today. I thought that it was quite accurate about me and thus decided to share. 十二星座不为人知的一面 射手座:看似随便,却有一贯政策不受更改。如果他已经事先计划好的事,是不会临时为任何人而改变的。在射手座的心中,有一些东西是不可以乱掉的,如果会伤害到主体结购的事,他宁愿舍弃。 If you are interested to find out about your star sign, do check out Jiafa's blog

Proud to be Singaporean

I was inspired by Curryegg's entry on Malaysian Chinese singers, therefore I decided to do an entry about Singapore Chinese singers. Kit Chan Stefanie Sun JJ Lin Joi Chua Kelvin Tan   Kit Chan - 陈洁仪 The first Singaporean singer to make it to Taiwan. Known for her powerful vocals. Acted in TVB drama. Healing Hands & Snow Wolf Lake as Snow for both Cantonese & Chinese version. Sang in National Day Parades for 1998 & 2007 Stefanie Sun - 孙燕姿 Discovered by talented twin composers , Peter & Paul Lee, (er not me but 李伟松,李思松, another one of Singaporean singers that is making big in Taiwan. Sang on 2 National Day Parades JJ Lin -林俊杰 The Singapore singer that has posters pasted all over China. Performed in 2004 National Day Parade. Joi Chua-蔡淳佳 Made a comeback after a hitaus, her soulful songs are definitely one of many people's favourite. This is her latest song from her latest album. Kelvin Tan -陈伟联 Singa...

When Can I Have My Break?

My parents will be going for a short retreat during the coming CNY period. I guess I would be too busy to join them since my Malaysian colleagues will be back in their native country and my boss will most likely have the usual CNY lunch during the period of the tour. I plan to go on a short retreat, after I clear all my filing of documents. However, I am trying to work it around my lesson schedule, which I think can be worked out somehow, hopefully. I am looking at going on a cruise, or a bus ride to Malaysia. A trip to Desaru or Batam may be a good idea for me to relax my mind & soul Too many things have happened recently, making me physically and mentally drained. Maybe the passing of my NS pal is just slowly making me realise how fragile one's life can be. I am starting to take it easy. Jason once described me as a ninja, as despite my disability, I am still perserving on despite the nasty work enivornment that I am in. Wonder how long Ninja Paul can survive in the D...

Trust And Faith

I managed to update my lesson schedule to my management diary and Google calendar just a while ago. I have to thank my insurance agent for the management diary. Seems like my calendar is not only used to track my movement and schedule but people who are always with me. I am not sure why the tracker does that? You should have more faith in the life partner that you have choosen. One should give the other party personal space as well. Only with trust and faith, a relationship or friendship or family ties will be able to work well.

Efile Volunteer Again for 2008

I have decided that I will be going to be a tax e-file volunteer again for this year. This would be my 4th year to do on this. The Corporate Communication Officers of IRAS are saying they can't do without me. I was flattered by their compliments, when I pre-registered with them. I shall reveal the dates & place I will be volunteering when the news is released by IRAS.

Classmates Gathering

Met up with Elaine, Tammy & Peggy for a get together session as well as to celebrate Elaine's belated birthday, which fell on last Thu. Dinner was at Swensen's Funan Centre, decided by me as the birthday girl could not think of any place to eat. Hope Elaine likes the birthday card from us, and she enjoyed the dinner & chat session.

Dedicated to Chris, The Rabbit

Just wish to wish my godsis Wendy's boyfriend, Chris the rabbit a happy birthday tomorrow, in case I am too tied up with some issues at work tonight and forget to put this up. Hope that his job will be smooth sailing in the year. May what he wish for come true for him.  

School Is In

Attended my first lesson of Advanced Corporate Reporting at FTC yesterday. I understand from my lecturer that the school will be following its rival course provider in giving homework & mock exam to students. Just hope I will be able to cope with it. It seems a bit difficult, judging from the work load I am having. Was irritated by the fact that people are still not moving to the rear of the bus as I travelled to work today. I can't imagine the lady stand near the door and don't move. I was just tempted to ask if she got jelly legs that will melt after moving to the rear of the bus? When will these people ever learn?

Ugly Singaporean Rears His Head

Was travelling on this Service 107 this morning when a passenger switched on his mini radio to the maximum volume. He was subsequently scolded by the bus captain. I wonder if this guy knows the meaning of being considerate?

Eventful Weekend

I stopped myself from heading back to office on Sat. Decided to accompany mum for prayers at Tampines Soka Centre, but it ended up we didn't go as she was delayed by the long journey of bus service 65 from Orchard and she had some errands to run at the OCBC Bank at White Sands. It ended up me having to wait for her at Tampines Mall for 1.5 hrs for her. Settled my lunch at Delifrance, since there wasn't anyone with me to accompany me for lunch at food court. Those who know me will know why I can't have lunch at food court alone. After that, I went to get my radio set for my office table at Courts Tampines. Thanks to the salesman for giving me an additional 5% discount for the radio. Today, slept till 12 noon, had a light breakfast before visiting Jason's urn at Peck Shan Theng Temple. Managed to find his urn without much difficulty. But it may be a little difficult if you guys want to pay your respect to him as his urn wrote his Chinese name. His Chinese name is...

Can I Have A Peaceful Work Place?

My work performance have been affected since PH was shifted to the workstation behind me since my office shrank in size in Nov. Why I say so? I suspect that she has some mental problems as she keeps talking herself loudly at work, at lift rides, on bus rides. The funny part is that she stops once she notices my bosses walking past my area. My colleagues have been asking me to speak to my boss about this, but I am afraid as you never know if she will attack me if she knows I was the one who reported to boss. I also do not want to break people's rice bowl for this. Mum was telling me to get a small radio and put it on my desk. I think it is a good idea to drown out the noise that she is making and it helps me to destress. Will be getting one later from Sim Lim later.

Lost & Found

Found the pen that pal gave me. Apparently, my bro took it to use without my permission.  Have told him to check with me before using it next time.   Had sent out invitations through SMS for my annual CNY open house on 16 Feb 2008 (Sat). I received some replies and a comment on that date that I have chosen. Apparently, it is E & T 1st anniversary date. I didn't pick that date on purpose as people who know me and attended my CNY open house will know that I choose the date because it is Sat and that's usually where people can make it. I would like to thank the person for confirming her attendance to me first. As for the rest of you who got my sms, please check your schedule and let me know.

Always Good To Make Someone Happy

Even though I am still a little sad over the matters mentioned in the previous posts, I am glad to have made someone happy yesterday with this bonquet of flowers. As usual, she was surprised, and even asked me what was the occasion for it. She kept thanking me. Hopefully, will get to see her tomorrow, after a meetup plan that was always cancelled due to work or sickness.

Loss of Birthday Gift

I may have lost the Parker Pen that pal gave to me in the cab ride home last night. Haiz.......... Lucky I still have 2 more to use. Have selected Elaine's, Ka's & Ter to use first.

CIB Files- 刑事情报科

I just finished watching this 2006 HK drama online. This show is very exciting, showcasing TVB A listers, Bowie Lam & Wong Hei. It solves many interesting cases and it shows how the 2 of them who are brothers in show, solve them differently, leading different teams. I recommend this show for you guys to watch.

Start of 2008 Happy New Year

I just wanna wish my blog readers and friends a Happy New Year once again. I had wanted to pay Jason a visit at his urn just a while ago, but the place was closed already. At least I took a cab there with my bro, therefore I knew where is the place now.   The temple closes at 4pm on weekdays and 3pm on weekends & public holidays. It starts from 8.30am. I will make the trip to visit him on this Sat morning. I wonder who wants to join me? Do let me know if you are interested.